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Ephesus Museumi Ancient city of Ephesus and St. John

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            Enjoy the best and cheapest way to visit the ancient city of Ephesus museum, Ancient city of Ephesus and St. John with this group tour. Meet your local and professional English-speaking guide at your hotel, Adnan Menderes Airport or port of Kuşadası\Izmir\ Çeşme at the scheduled time, which will be communicated to you at the time of booking.

            8500 Years Journey, Artefacts unearthed in the excavations made in Çukuriçi Mount, Artemision, where the ruins of the Temple of Artemis, considered to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the St Jean Church, where the tomb of Bible writer St Jean is located, the fortress on the Ayasuluk Hill, the Belevi Mauseleum and near vicinity are exhibited. The museum is arranged according to various subjects and finding groups, such as Information Hall in the entrance, Hall of the Fountain Findings, Hall of the Terrace Houses Findings, Ancient Coins, Ephesus Through the Ages, Inner Garden, Cybele Cult, Hall of Artemis Temple Findings, Ephesus Artemis and Imperial Cult

            Resting Warrior, It was found during the excavations at the Polio Fountain. He is a young warrior depicted in a half-lying position. The body weight of the statue is given to the left arm leaning on a rock. The warrior, whose wavy hair is attached with a band over the forehead, has a calm expression on his face. He holds a shield in his arm and a sword in his hand. While the left leg is bent backwards from the knee, the right leg is bent from the knee and extended forward.

            Marcus Aurelius, The statue of the Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius was made of white marble with fine craftsmanship. Wrinkles on the forehead of the emperor wearing a paludamentum attached to the right shoulder with a fibula are prominent. The back of the artifact was left raw. It dates back to Roman Period 2nd century AD.

            Head of Eros, Head of Eros, which is made of white marble with fine craftsmanship, is broken from the neck. The head is slightly inclined to the right, and this posture shows that Eros is looking at the bow he is holding. The face has an innocent, childish expression. The hair is curled and tied back in the middle. It is a copy of “Eros stretching the bow” sculpture made by Lysippos between 330-320 BC.

            Artemis, Artemis exhibits feature integrated with Kybele, the mother goddess of Anatolia since the Prehistoric Age. The high polos on her head is in the form of a temple and has three floors. Earrings on her ears, pearl necklace on her neck and under her chest four rows of globules related to fruitfulness and fertility are seen. Artemis has a four-piece rosette and a thin belt adorned with bee motifs, the symbol of Ephesus, at her waist. Figures such as lions, rams, deers, gryphon and bees were placed in each rectangle.

            The Basilica of Saint John has a special importance due to its majestic dimensions. The wall snow appearing have been well preserved, but originally they had pretty door sand windows. The other facadeto the South rose to more than twenty meters giving an expectant to there ligious structure. The Basilica of Saint John is located on the hill of Apasas very close to the castle of Selçuk. Coming down from the hill of Ayasuluk (Apasas),are the first settlements of Ephesus, where the İsa Bey mosque is located.

            The ancient city of Ephesus is unmissable. The city has be enable to protect its splendid architecture dedicated to the goddess Artemis. Its great temple, rebuilt several times, took its last form in the 3rd century B.C. and today it is considered as one of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World". Among the ruins, you will admire the theater, the gymnasium, the baths, the agora and the library of Celsus.


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Sevgi Mh. 663 Sk. No. 6 D. 107 Gaziemir, İzmir, Türkiye
